Bedside Comfort

Author: Heavens Hands Home Care |

A trip to the hospital or emergency room can be very stressful.Patients can feel vulnerable and nervous when in the hospital. Sometimes they can’t care for themselves, and, left unattended, can be a safety risk to themselves or others.

At these times, they need compassionate, one-on-one observation to remain calm, safe, and secure. While critical, this monitoring can strain your highly-skilled nursing staff — potentially removing them from the unit or doubling work schedules and overtime.

Heaven's Hands offers customized patient sitter/companion services that minimize the non-clinical functions that your nursing staff perform for required one-on-one patient observation.

This provides patients with the individualized care they need while enabling your nursing staff to focus on their core clinical competencies.

Bedsitters are present to accompany someone who is either in the hospital, hospice, rehabilitation facility, assisted living, convalescent home and private Bedsitters Companions Respite Care Dementia Care Personal Care Hospital Discharge Post Surgery Senior Transport 24/7 Live-In homes. The bedsitters watch over your loved one for any period of time you need them. The reason why this is important is they are never alone.

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Contact us today (860) 519-1922

Most patients that suffer from dementia can suffer even more when in a strange place and having a bedsitter by their side will help them immensely. Also if your loved one has to be in a convalescent home or rehabilitation facility recuperating either from a fall or just short term care it can be devastating being away from home. However having a bedsitter to read to them, talk to them and just simply be company can make the time there so much more pleasant. The other thing our bedsitters do is constantly watch over your loved one to ensure they don’t fall getting out of bed, try to get out of bed when they shouldn’t. If your loved one needs oxygen, the bedsitter can ensure their oxygen tube does not come displaced and ensure the oxygen is on and running properly. The bedsitter also communicates with the party that is overseeing the care of the person if they notice anything that causes concern. It is having an extra set of eyes and ears protecting your loved one.


  • Hospitals

  • Assisted Living

  • Rehabilitation Facilities

  • Convalescent Homes

  • VA Hospitals

  • Private Homes

What we do:

  • Safety (Fall Risks – Monitor patients in bed, getting in and out of bed, getting in and out of chair, toileting)

  • Meal Assistance

  • Communication for Person (Complaints of pain, chills, nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath, unusual odor)

  • Companionship (read to person, play games, talk to them about current events, remind them of day and time)

  • Positioning and Ambulation (at direction of nurse or physical therapist) – prevent bed sores, transport from bed to chair

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